Yesterday in Decanode

Summary of the events that occurred yesterday in Decanode ...
135 new users
joined us yesterday
782 users
went online on the website
6,437 clicks
were made on the website
473 invitations
were viewed yesterday
58 users
earned their first income
16,430 minutes
were spent by users on the website

What is decanode?

Decanode is a network-building and income-generating platform based on a network system. In this platform, users can expand their network indefinitely and earn income from all users who are up to 3 levels below them as subordinates. Decanode does not sell any products, and there are no advertisements. All incomes and financial transactions are generated through the fee each user pays for their activity

Income estimation

In this section, you can roughly estimate your minimum monthly income
Active user number400
Commission percent20%
Minimum monthly income
This amount represents your income at the lowest possible scenario

How do I get started?

You can earn income from Decanode in three simple steps
Sign up and activation
In the first step, it is necessary to register on the website and activate your account
Build network
Then, simply send your membership link to your friends and build your network
Expand your network
With each user added to your network, your income increases. Just focus on your network